Traditional Mortgage
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(610) 351-0428


Why does credit score matter when applying for a mortgage?

February 6, 2024

Your credit score is like your financial report card, a snapshot of your past borrowing behavior that lenders use to judge your trustworthiness as a borrower. When it comes to mortgages, a good credit score matters for several reasons:

Loan Eligibility: Think of your credit score as the gatekeeper to mortgage wonderland. Lower scores might not even get you past the first guard, as certain lenders have minimum credit score requirements for different loan types.

Interest Rates: A higher credit score is the golden ticket to lower interest rates. Imagine the difference between paying a hefty toll on the mortgage highway or cruising through with a discount pass – that's the power of a good credit score!

Loan Options: Not all mortgages are created equal. Prime borrowers with stellar credit scores unlock access to the best loan terms and products, while those with lower scores might have fewer options or face stricter conditions.

Down Payment Requirements: Some lenders might require higher down payments from borrowers with lower credit scores to compensate for the perceived risk. So, a good credit score can potentially save you a hefty chunk of change upfront.

Overall Cost: Lower interest rates and potentially smaller down payments translate to significant savings over the life of your mortgage. With a good credit score, you could end up paying thousands, even tens of thousands, of dollars less for your home in the long run.

Remember: It's never too late to start improving your credit score. Simple steps like paying bills on time, keeping credit card balances low, and diversifying your credit mix can make a big difference. With a little effort, you can unlock the door to more affordable and advantageous borrowing opportunities, paving the way for a smoother and more financially secure life.

Less than perfect credit?: This can be a challenge, but there are options, we can work with you to find the best option for your financial landscape. 

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